Our Policies

Environmental Policy

It is the policy at DC Print to respect the environment, and to be committed to and responsible for the environmental performance of the company.
We ensure that all employees are trained and developed to understand, implement, maintain and improve the environmental objectives set by the company.

Where possible the company reduce, re-use, and recycle all materials to minimise waste and use environmentally responsible suppliers and sub-contractors in order to minimise the use of polluting releases and use energy as efficiently as possible.

The company strives to comply, at minimum, with all regulatory and legislative requirements, and to this end this policy is reviewed and updated as required.

Equal Opportunities Policy

DC Print is committed to equal and fair opportunities and treatment for all individuals, and will actively promote the positive aspects of diversity and encourage acceptance and appreciation of individual differences.
All job applicants and employees will be treated equally, regardless of:
Ethnic or national origins
Family responsibility or status
Marital status
Political conviction
Religion or belief
Sexual orientation

This policy applies to:
Conditions of work
Job advertisements
Recruitment and appointments
And all other aspects of employment.

The company recognises that everyone has a personal responsibility for the positive application of equal opportunities and that all employees, supervisors and managers must ensure that the equal opportunities policy is applied within any area under their control, within the framework in place and ensuring legal requirements. All managers receive training and employees made aware and understand the policy.
Discrimination, victimisation or harassment are all considered very serious offences and will be treated as serious misconduct. All employees will be subject to disciplinary action for failure to adhere to the policy. If an employee feels that he or she has suffered discrimination in any way, the company’s grievance procedure should be utilised and the matter will be investigated.

Health and Safety Policy

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 imposes certain obligations on an employer not only to take all such actions as are reasonable to safeguard the health and safety of their employees, but also to be able to show that they are doing so, by producing adequate written policies and procedures.
The Act refers to what is reasonable in given working situations. DC Print will:
Assess the risks in the workplace.
Have written health and safety procedures
Ensure that the workplace satisfies health, safety and welfare requirements for ventilation, temperature, lighting and staff facilities.
Ensure safe and clear access to and exit from the building, including fire exits.
Regularly check the premises room by room for structural defects, worn fixture and fittings or electrical equipment, and take the necessary remedial action.
Ensure that all equipment is suitable for its intended use and is properly maintained and used.
Ensure that all staff are aware of the fire procedure and regular fire drills are carried out.
Ensure that all members of staff are aware of the procedure in case of accidents.
Ensure that all members of staff are aware of and carry out their health and safety responsibilities as set out in their job descriptions.
Prohibit smoking on the premises.
Prohibit any contractor working on the premises without prior discussion with the officer in charge to negate any risks to the staff or users.
The Management considers this matter of such importance, that breach of health and safety procedures by staff constitutes misconduct and will be dealt with as a disciplinary matter.

Employees will also be made aware of their responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act and will:
Take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others around them.
Co-operate with the employer on matters of health and safety
Use work equipment correctly
Provide guidance to users and act responsibly to ensure their health and safety

Users will also be made aware of their responsibilities and will:
Agree to use the equipment in a safe manner with regard to the health and safety of those around them
Staff and management must constantly be mindful of their responsibilities individually and collectively for the safety of themselves and their colleagues.

Quality Assurance

DC Print constantly seeks to provide clients with the best service and printed material that we possibly can.
From the moment the company receives a project, it is closely monitored through each stage of the production process, ensuring that the high standards clients expect are consistently met.
Each department within the company has a department manager, who is responsible for ensuring that each project is fully supervised and constantly checked through each stage of production. Every project is issued a job bag with a quality assurance tick list which needs to be completed at every stage of production and signed for by the operative who carried out the work. All jobs are then checked by the department manager before they can move onto the next stage of production. This method of quality assurance helps to ensure that projects are completed quickly and efficiently without compromising the high standards of quality and value for money the company offers.

Quality Policy

DC Print is dedicated to ensuring that our printed products meet our customers’ requirements, and do so by making sure that we agree fully what our customers want, then apply rigorous processes to make sure we deliver both in terms of product and service.
We believe in the concept of the customer and the supplier working together in pursuing this policy and continually striving for improvements in quality. All the company’s employees must have a positive commitment to quality and respond quickly and effectively to achieve the performance standards required of them to get it right first time.
The quality policy is based on these following fundamental principles.
The definition of quality is conforming to requirements having specified very carefully the needs of our customers and giving due account of our own processes and to that of our suppliers.
The system of Quality Management concentrates on prevention, looking at our processes, identifying the opportunities for error and taking action to eliminate them.
The measurement of quality is the cost of non-conformity and the eventual cost of getting it right.
The quality policy means that the company’s processes will be monitored and maintained in a continuous improvement programme, enabling us to offer customers reliability, flexibility, honesty, approachability, creativity and the ability to produce an appropriate quality product at the right price and time.

Anti-Bribary Code of Conduct

To download a copy of our Anti-Bribary Code of Conduct
in Word format, click here (right click ‘Save link as…’)